20 - Jul - 2020

Drink in the company of Kenshin and his gang

Recently, a collaboration between Rurouni Kenshin and... a beverage brand, Satsuma Musou, was announced:

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Satsuma Musou Co., Ltd. will celebrate its 50th annibersary in October this year. "Satsuma Musou" was born as a product that can be said to be the rue king of Kagoshima Shochu. In order to spread the potato shochu from Kagoshima to the outside the prefecture, this time, the authentic potato shochu "Katajikenai" and the authentic barley shochu "Kurohachi" that Satsuma Musou is proud in collaborate with the super popular manga "Rurouni Kenshin - Meiji Kenkaku Romantan" with a cumulative circulation of more than 72 million copies.

Shōchū (焼酎) is a Japanese distilled beverage less than 45% alcohol by volume. It is typically distilled from rice (kome), barley (mugi), sweet potatoes (satsuma-imo), buckwheat (soba), or brown sugar (kokutō), though it is sometimes produced from other ingredients such as chestnut, sesame seeds, potatoes or even carrots.

(Click to full size)

Two types of flavors will be available:

- Three kinds of Kojihara liquor blended authentic shochu.
- 1800ml / 900ml
- JPY - 2,400 / JPY 1,250

- Long-term aged old sake authentic barley shochu.
- 1800ml / 900ml
- JPY - 2,400 / JPY 1,250 

Most of the children of the Toonami generation (early 2000s) in the West are already in their 30s and the average age of Japanese fans is slightly higher. So such a collaboration makes sense. For more information, as well as the purchase, you can access the official collaboration page by clicking here.

By the way, it is not the first collaboration between Rurouni Kenshin and an alcoholic beverage brand, in 2017 a limited edition of wine bottles and personalized glasses was marketed.
TravisDirk said...

Outstanding, pls let us know we can get this in the western hemi

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